Baby African Grey Parrots 

hand fed baby african grey parrots 

     Handfed Baby African Grey Parrots


                                DNA Sexing Included Free                                        




Incubator  Hatched & Handfed From Day One

This creates the ultimate in avian companions....

themed object

Avicultural Breeding Research Center  

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Baby African Grey Parrots

2024  breeding season

african grey parrots for sale               

hand fed baby African Greys  $6500    2024                


Click Here To See African Grey Species Information

NOTE* The African Grey are being added to the endangered species list

Hand fed Baby African Grey Parrots

Baby Greys SOLD

african-grey-baby-congo parrots 

ALFRED baby african grey
hatch oct 18  #614
VIDEO #1>>>>>>>>>
ABOVE Video ALFRED #1 band 614
hatch OCT 18 


african-grey-baby-congo parrots 

SIMON  baby african grey
hatch 4-6-2024  SOLD

ABOVE Video Simon-SOLD
hatch 4-6-2024 

baby african grey parrots 
ALFRED baby african grey
hatch oct 18  #614
VIDEO #2>>>>>>>>>




Prices of pied red variate african grey parrots are based on the amount or intensity of the red coloring. 

red variates or pied mutations african greys range from $8500-$10,000+  each

depending on extensive red amount and blood line dictates the price on any red variant and pied.

We have seen many internet pictures of socalled red factor african greys in the usa, However very few if any are actually true genetic mutation red factor or pied, the one we see often from a new york breeder is most difinitely NOT a genetic mutation, it looks to be a nutrition based problem and or a feather condition that is causing the feathers to curl and turn red due a problem also can be liver related.

Royal Bird Company First USA breeder to produce the Red Variate African Grey Parrot


African Grey Parrot Article


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