Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Faq Page is a must read

Here we try to answer the question before you even think about asking......

Please read and understand.

Incubator  Hatched & Handfed From Day One

This creates the ultimate in avian companions....

themed object

Avicultural Breeding Research Center  

  • African Grey Parrots SOLD..
  • Handfed Blue Fronted Amazon Parrots ready to Go
  • Baby Yellow Naped Amazon Parrots SOLD OUT






get in touch


Some of the info may not pertain to you and your purchase, but it is good reading, you may learn something.

If you cannot or will not READ and understand our FAQ information or any information we ask you to read, Please do not try to purchase.

We believe in education, and this is done by READING, READING and more reading. We hear this everyday, when we ask someone, Have you read the FAQ page? Have you looked at the educational videos we ask you to look at? they say, I skimmed over it., or say maybe they will later..NOT GOOD ENOUGH

we are just trying to help you.

READ IT. Please.

The right information is the most powerful tool a person has in life. By reading and educating yourself with lots of correct information. You will only benefit in the end as well any bird you own or will own.

Bird Prices are non negotiable-we normally are always over sold ..


We RESERVE the right to stop or REFUSE sale to anyone we feel is unqualified to own our birds. If you have a problem with finances then you should not be buying live birds or any pets and please do not try to purchase one of our birds. We have no payment plan or lay aways. Our customers must have the monetary resources to completely outfit our babies with what ever they need.

The birds come first, their safety, their health, their happiness, the customer comes second, or not at all.

We will ASK TO SEE your cage.

CAGE SIZES: Please make sure you have the appropriate cage. The cage size can never be too big. We recommend for greys and amazons AT LEAST (minimum)a 36 inch wide or larger(42), the cage should be for these type large parrots not a cage designed for cockatiels or small birds,

CLICK HERE for BIRD CAGES info and examples

ANY Cockatoo needs 48 or wider, Macaws need 48 and even wider and cockatoos and macaws need cages that are designed for these large birds and the cage must have large diameter bars strong enough to support the very strong beaks and destruction they cause. Putting birds such as greys and cockatoos in too small cage can result in feather plucking, stress, self mutilation,etc. Do not put your bird in a prison. It should be their home not solitary confinement. The cage should be large enough and have plenty of room to outfit the cage with toys and still have plenty of room. be careful of cheap thin cages from china where most if not all are from anyway, but try to stay with a real brand, AE cages, KINGS cages, HQ cage,etc. The price will tell the tale. A cage appropiate for any bird will not be a couple hundred dollars. most cages for amazons greys run over 500-800 or more, cockatoo macaw cages run 800-900 and more, and stainless can be around 3,000 and more.

putting birds into small cages is like you would be forced to live in a closet.

We never recommend playtop type cages,if you want a play area, we suggest a separate playgym stand.  Birds can become aggresive when on a high playtop cage. they become protective over the cage, get them away from the cage.


READ the entire page, even if the section does not apply to you, its still full of info you may need or may want to know. Its for you and for any bird you may own.

For DIET and CARE info, visit our Information Center Page articles and videos.



Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can you ship me a bird... ?
  2. Guarantees & Closed bands ... ?
  3. What about deposits or reserves ... ?
  4. How do i pay ... ?
  5. What do i feed my bird when i get it ... ?
  6. Can I come and meet you and pickup my bird... ?
  7. How old are birds before you allow them to go home...?
  8. What is the GPS  to your location...? bottom of page

Can you ship me a bird...How do you ship...Is it safe... ?

  • 2022 UPDATE:  We will no longer be shipping. All birds sold must be picked up.



  • We use modified reusable pet taxis like the ones pictured above..  we include the  reusable modified pet taxi shipping container in all baby prices, free starter kit with food, treat, toy, instructions and booklets for long term care, etc. EVERYTHING IS INCLUDED, we supply the travel carrier and starter kit for you.

    THIS IS INCLUDED IN ALL OUR BABY BIRD PRICES...$50-100 value depending on size needed.

    BREEDER BIRDS or adult bird SALES: we do not include the cost of crates in price of selling adults, singles or breeder birds, the price for this is depended on what and how many is shipped, shipping an adult breeder pair of birds, will be in 2 crates as we never ship adult pairs in same crate. Prices depend on how big or size of crate needed, starting at $45 per crate for amazon size, up to $65 per crate for cockatoos or macaws.When shipping a adult pair, each bird will need to ship in their own seperate shipping carrier, as adults can fight when kept in close confined area such as shipping carriers. for each pair its takes two shipping carriers but one ship fee.



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Are your birds guaranteed .are they banded.. ?

  • YES, absolutely! our birds are 100% guaranteed healthy at the time of arrival if being shipped. If you pick your bird up here its guaranteed to be 100% healthy at time of purchase or take home. We continue a screening processs throughout the entire operation here, We screen breeders periodically, we screen babies as they grow, we screen the last time before they are sold. All our babies are DNA sexed and DNA screened for Chlamydia, avian polyoma,pachecos,borna virus(elisha test), and all Cockatoos are DNA screened for PBFD (beak and feather) and each comes with testing results and certificates from the labs. Each certificate will have the birds ID (band number assigned).        ANIMAL GENETICS LAB                                

    Our guarantee is simple, Since we do not know what you are going to do once you get the bird we have no control on the birds health after a certain time, as many things can change the health quickly based on what you do, or not do, and we do not know what you are doing at home, So, you must take your bird to a REAL Avian Vet within 24-48 hours after receipt. If there is a life threatening problem that is not linked to something you did, we will take the bird back, and refund your money, we need the written report from the VET and their info. Its that simple. In over 35+ years we have NEVER had even one problem with a bird we sold or shipped, we contribute that to our strict protocols and our birds are just healthy birds period. And since we are only selling what we raise, we have full control from the start, we do not purchase birds for resell, we are not dealers,brokers or resellers. we do not purchase other breeders problems.

    Our babies are 100% health guaranteed to be free of any problems at time of sale and or receipt by you, we cannot guarantee the life or health of a bird for certain any length time, they are not cars, they are living breathing beings. Can you guarantee your health and or your life for any certain time. You may be healthy now, but you can change that quickly by your actions or failure to act.

    Each baby is monitored and maintained in state of the art brooding systems with air filtration. We use Human baby Neonatal Isolettes in the first stages of the brooding process. Our babies receive 24 hour care, someone is taking care, feeding, cleaning and monitoring all babies around the clock. We work in shifts to make sure that all hours are covered. 

           isolette baby birds     


    All our breeders are maintained on the highest quality formulated diets,  we use tropican by Hagen, sprouts, advanced formulated diets, cooked rice, corn, beans, veggies and fruits in season,etc. to see our diets and what we recommend click on the Bird Diets Link.

  • ALL our babies are closed banded with our special coded bands  RBCNC B***, we meet all states requirements for entry.  Some states require that any birds entering must be closed banded.
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What about deposits or reserving a bird ... ?

  • We DO NOT accept deposits for long term holds and try to deal with that throughout the weeks or even months before a bird is ready to go home... Once we have a bird ready to leave and we put it up for sale and you see the video and want to put a hold on that bird and you want it and you are coming, we can set a time for pickup, The deposit will be for to hold the bird a few days until you get to us.

  • Also you can put your name on a email newsletter list and we will send you an email newsletter when babies are almost ready to go. But this is not a reserve list, only a contact to announce when birds are coming available. We only offer the birds when they are almost ready to go or ready to go. The contact list is not a reserve or hold list, simply a list of customers who wish to receive our info on available babies and to receive other news from our compound. Also sign up for the newsletter on the front page. www.royalbirdcompany.com

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Payment for bird ... ?

  • Payment is only accepted once a bird is ready to GO


    Our birds are priced for cash and carry. 

    However once we have announced that a bird is ready for sale or ready to leave we can accept a small deposit as stated above by credit card over the phone to HOLD until you get here.

    ALL bird sales will be CASH and carry as we do not have enough time to check security and true ownership of credit card. DO NOT just show up on your pick up appointment and have credit card in hand, there will be no bird sale. Its a sick and sad world that forces us to have to do these security measures due to the ever growing fraud and credit card theft.  Even cash payments when you pay here will be checked for authenticity and counterfeit.

    DEBIT CARDS are not cash, and yes we still have to pay a processsing fee to process it through the terminal. I know that many people think the debit card is like cash, but its not, it is basically the same as a credit card as far as fees is concerned, as long as a card is processed the fees apply. CASH IS KING. and CASH is paper not plastic.       


    When picking up from our facility, we only accept cash,  

    You can come here and pick your bird up when its ready and we have made the appointment. NO WALK INS OR DROP INS.  


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What do i feed my bird when i get it ... ?

  • When you are picking up your bird here,  we will discuss our diets as well we will instruct you to read our info on diets this info is on our website under info center., we will supply a starter kit as well. CLICK HERE for video on starter kit
  •  Our website section ARTICLES and VIDEOS has lots of information on bird diets and we expect you to read it and learn. We ask you to read our info on our website to more understand what and how and why we feed what we feed. Also our website has several pages on diets and nutrition, we suggest you read them. As when someone may call and have questions about foods, we always ask first, Have you read the info papers we gave you?? Have you Read Our Diet Info on Our website?  If one does not have the ability or just will not read or do what we ask, then maybe we are not the place for you. when picking up your bird you get the same free starter kit with extras.
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Will I know the sex of my bird ... ?

  • Yes, We have all our birds DNA screened by Micro Avian Bio Labs to determine the sex, The lab sends a certificate of SEX. The DNA screening is and a health screen is included in all baby bird prices. Any other special screenings that customer wants or ask for will be  extra charge for those if you request special screenings. We can screen for other things as you may need. We screen all cockatoos for PBFD and all birds are screened for Chlamydia is standard.


Can I Come and Pick up ... ?

  • Yes, ALL birds must be picked up, We no longer ship.
  • NOTE** ON BABIES...we supply you everything for free, a pet travel carrier, food starter kit, instructions,  we supply you with information materials online and on hard copy, we supply many articles and videos on our website for your education, so please use them for your sake and your birds benefit. CLICK here see the starter kit


How old are birds before they are ready/or you allow them to go home ... ?

  • Adult or breeder birds they are ready when we announce them as for sale,
  • On handfed babies...We do not put a time on the weaning, as proper weaning can take several months, we never sell or let any bird leave while still needing any type critical care. Some birds may start weaning at 10 and up to 16 weeks and take several more weeks before actually being ready. And some may take more time or less Depending on species and weaning stages, some can be 12-16-18-20 weeks and up, some sooner- some later. Hyacinth macaws take 6-8months and longer. We have produced thousands of babies in our years and we have seen many birds take different time than the bird before, We have had many african greys that were not ready until after 20 weeks and we have some greys that were ready much much sooner. We have seen amazons that were ready at 12 and 14 weeks, so putting an artificial time frame just does not work in the real world, it does not work on human children as well. However no matter the age, our babies will only be allowed to leave when we say they are weaned and WE say when ready and not before. Hyacinth macaws can take 6-8 months to a year before ready.  However we do allow some birds to leave while only needing a comfort handfeeding by the new owner if the new owner feels comfortable with this. In most instances, we only offer a bird when the bird is ready, What this means is that we may only announce we have a bird for sale when its ready to go. But in any case it will always be our call or NO SALE.


  • Also for your GPS,
  • Royal Bird Company, 2804 NC-150, Lincolnton, NC 28092. make sure you enter the address into the gps,,, as google maps and other GPS may try to enter west 150.  Do not just enter the name Royal Bird Company, actually enter the address, 2804 NC-150, Lincolnton, NC 28092
  • ALSO you may use an Old land mark address , we are right beside them.  google GPS always gets their address correct                                                                                                                  
  • FOREST LAWN CEMETARY 2858  NC-150, Lincolnton, NC 28092                                                             
  • Do not bring other pets, birds, dogs, cats, monkeys, ferrets, rats, etc with you as they will not be allowed on our property at all. No service animals are allowed inside the building where birds are.
  • No Rest Room Facilities are available on premises, there is a Citgo convenience store close by, also several fast food places within 1 or 2 miles.
  • Our breeding areas are not open to the public. We have a small public building that we allow customers to enter and pickup the available bird, by appointment only.

    WARNING-All 20 acres of our compound and all premises under video survellience, from the time you enter our property you will be under constant survellience. Due to the nature and monetary and rare value of the livestock here and also down at the compound no one is allowed, around, or close to the breeding grounds, Any uninvited persons caught venturing into, onto, and around the off limit breeding areas and onto the property which is posted will be treated as a hostile intruder, and note,,, that ALL any Intruders which may be looked on as thieves or possible saboteurs are in danger on the property as we take security very seriously and we will take every and any measure we need to protect our staff and our birds and property, NOTE: Warning: our farm staff may be armed. We have a fully armed kawasaki mule that is on patrol around the 19 acre perimeter at unspecified times of the day and night. Any unauthorized person caught where they not suppose to be will be considered trespassers and will be brought under control peacefully or not-your choice, and be handed over to the police.

    We as of oct 1 ,2018 now use The Phantom 3 SE Drone with 4K camera with night vision for aerial surveillance of our compound and grounds. We fly our drones daily and now with our updated infra red and night vison camera we fly several times of night flights.

    drone survellance

    All bird sales are by appointment ONLY.

    Your REFERENCE CODE is HAPPY DAY- please remember the code,

     sheila may ask.


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