Breeder Parrots for Sale 

Adult Breeder Parrots 

Parrot Breeder Pairs and Singles For Sale

                                       WE SHIP                                             


Incubator  Hatched & Handfed From Day One

This creates the ultimate in avian companions....

themed object

Avicultural Breeding Research Center  

  • African Grey Parrots SOLD..
  • Handfed Blue Fronted Amazon Parrots ready to Go
  • Baby Yellow Naped Amazon Parrots SOLD OUT






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Parrot Breeders-Singles-Adults

double yellow head amazon parrots 

Read Our FAQ page for health policy and shipping info

BREEDER BIRDS or single extra adults are sold as breeder stock only not pet quality.

However some of these breeder birds have been pets in the past and maybe could become a companion with care, time and patience. Breeder parrots and birds are breeder stock and are not tame unless noted.We do not include crates in price of adults, singles or breeder birds, the price for this is depended on what and how many is bought, shipping a pair of birds,will be in 2 crates as we never ship adult pairs in same crate. Prices depend on how big or size of crate needed, starting at $35 per crate for amazon size, up to $55 for cockatoos or macaws. We make no future predictions on any breeding or pet results of any adult birds sold, as even when one purchases even very tame birds they may not be the same when moved, and when selling proven breeders there is no guarantees on future breeding once moved. We have moved some of our own proven breeders of many years in same location and then moved them to new facilty and the results were not the same as past breeding seasons.

When breeders or adults are sold and picked up, they cannot be petted or handled. It basically will be the same as if we shipped the bird and you picked up at the airport, they will be sold and placed in the crate and handed to you.

Adult Parrot breeder stock Birds cannot be handled or petted, if you are looking for a tame bird.. then get a handfed baby

Breeding status is given if available, no other guarantees are implied.Breder birds are subject to missing toenails and sometime a piece of toe, as breeders can be aggresive to their mates during breeding seasons, these things have no effect on health or breeding, Sometimes even humans may have a defect, all birds are described as best and completely as possible.

All stock fully acclimated and housed outdoors year round unless otherwise noted. All stock fed HAGEN formulated diets, tropimix, bean and grain sprouts, steamed brown rice,  Peanut butter on whole wheat, veggies, fruits  in season and much more, to see our research and diets we feed,

For our diets and research just click on the parrot diet links

NOTE: All birds are sold with full health guarantee.

All birds have been DNA tested for health and sex.

Parrot Breeders-Breeder Birds-Singles-Adults

We no longer ship.




SOLD-Orange Wing Amazon parrot Amazona adult male. $750

Species:  Amazona amazonica

**Note** Not being Sold As TAME Bird. you must understand this bird was a breeder stock and has not been handled. This guy was bred and raised by Royal Bird Company. We kept him back for future breeding stock about 13 years ago. This orange wing amazon was an excellent proven breeder producing many babies. He lost his mate due to a racoon break in at one of our breeding units. He has not been paired since the loss. He started, as many breeder birds do, to over preen. he needs a mate or attention by someone. He talks some. However he is not being sold as a tame bird, but with work he may come around and enjoy being with people as a companion. The orange wing amazon parrots is seldom seen in the USA as babies for sale. Orange wing amazons also are becoming very uncommon in their natural habitats from central america, tobago,suriname down through south america due to deforestation. He eats a varied diet, the same diet we feed at our breeding farm. We are selling all unmatched and unpaired adult and young birds. We are not expanding our bird breeding operation and are downsizing. For info call Sheila 704-735-8601.






SOLD--Magna double yellow head amazon parrot.#B10 $1500

Species: genus.(Amazona oratrix) Subspecies MAGNA

**NOTE** This bird is not be sold as TAME bird. He was breeder stock and has not been handled.

The magna subspecies is more colorful has extensive red and yellow on the bends of the wings where oratrix the nominate species does not have yellow.The magna ranges in the western carribean coatsof mexico and southward. This geo subspecies is called magna by many experts and Tony Silva calls then eastern double yellow head amazon parrot.
Royal Bird Company has decided not to expand any parrot breeding programs. So, we are selling all unpaired, unmatched single breeder parrots and some parrot pairs. This adult male double yellow head was a pet at some time in the past. 11-12 years old. He talks and sings. We kept him full flighted and has been in a large flight for a couple years waiting on a mate. We purchased him for breeding stock but we will not be expanding the breeding farm. He is available.  call sheila,704-735-8601. #amazonparrots #talkingparrot #doubleyellowheadamazonparrot #babyparrots #breederparrots #parrotbreeder #breederparrot #parroteggs #bird #talkingbird #birdsofinstagram #incubation




ON RESERVE..-may be available again soon---Yellow Naped Amazon, Adult Female.  $1000

Royal Bird Company has decided not to expand any breeding programs. We have enough breeders spread out over a 20 acre breeding farm and we will not be adding more breeder birds. So, we are downsizing and we are selling all unpaired, unmatched parrot singles and some parrot breeder pairs. This female yellow naped amazon parrot was purchased in a group of breeder birds(pairs and singles) from another facility that was selling out several years ago. She was a proven female that had lost her mate. We had not repaired her with another mate. She is appr. 15-16 years old according to the last owner. She looks good and eats everything we feed all our breeder birds which is an extensive varied diet. She is being sold as breeder stock, not a tame bird. You must Call Sheila, 704-735-8601. visit website. #parrots #yellownapedamazon #parrotsofinstagram #parrotlover #Amazon #amazonbreeder #BreedingParrots #parrotbreeding #birdbreeders #parroteggs #birdbreeder







SOLD_SOLD_Stewart the Umbrella Cockatoo $2999.00

Here is Stewart he is appr, 9 year old umbrella male cockatoo. We purchased him for our cockatoo breeding program. He had not been handled or out of the cage by the previous owner in a long time. After we decided not to use him for breeding, we started working with him for a couple weeks. After he started to trust us, we coached him out of his cage. And the video shows what we have accomplished and anyone could do the same once he trust you. For more info on Stewart, call Sheila. 704-735-8601

#cockatoos #babycockatoo #umbrellacockatoos #parrots #tamecockatoos #cockatoosoftiktok 

#cockatooparrot #cockatoolife #umbrellacockatoo #umbrellacockatoosofinstagram

See Video below, click the video to view




SOLD-SOLD SOLD--Adult blue fronted amazon male (colorful beautiful) appr 12 years old $600

Not tame, but talks and sings. has been pet and breeder, he was in a group of birds that we purchased, we bought out a breeders entire collection, He was bred and raised and handfed by the previous oner, But was used later as breeding stock and paired, The female was kept by the owner as a pet and the male was sold to us. We are offering him as breeding stock only, however he may be a pet as well, we make no guarantees on if he can be a pet, that would have to be a judgement of the buyer, sold as is.

He is absolutely beautiful, colorful and great feather, full flighted, fed and maintained on our diet that is fed to all birds here.




SOLD--Adult African Grey Male, shows red feathers. and has produced babies with red feathers. This bird is from our own breeder programs that produce red variate mutations, we have replaced our males with 2nd generation birds that have more red, so we are selling some that do not have as much, great opportunity for someone to get a good male to start of red variate mutations.$4200-SOLD


SOLD-ADULT MALE AFRICAN GREY- Proven male, has produced babies for the entire time of being in our center. sold here for breeder stock. Around 15 years old, has been breeder for that time. was not handfed but parenbt fed. Was produced here and raised for future breeder stock. Not tame. is not used to be around humans, does growl when approched. was set up for breeding and not handled for 15 years. Always retreated to nest box with hen when care takers approched.Has been flighted in a large aviary. FULL flighted, wings never been trimmed. $600-SOLD




FOR SALE-Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo-TRITON $2000SOLD

This is a true Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, he does have the blue eye ring.

SOLD He is an adult male appr 10 years old. Large bird at over 18 inchs plus. However due to breeder quality females are too difficult to find we will be selling this big guy. Tritons are very uncommon and becoming rare in their own homeland Australia. We are offering him as breeding stock, but he was a handfed bird pet at one time. He may become a companion with someone that has the patience and devotion to win him over. He talks, sings and laughs. He has not been handled here due we did not interact with him as a pet, we purchased him for breeder stock. He does have 2 crooked toe nails.





yellow crown amazon

Yellow Crowned Amazon

Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala

ADULT MALES 10-12 years old

younger male  NOT available now

number 209  $1000 SOLD


These adult yellow crowned amazon males are true Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala species and have not been mixed with any other subspecies, they are bred from captive imports. The yellow crowned amazon is becoming rare and very uncommon in the USA, Pure bred birds are even rarer. Anyone that knows us, Royal Bird Company, we only breed and produce real pure species and make efforts to pair only same with same. We never mix species or subspecies, Both these males was purchased back for breeder stock, One of them the older one 12 year old, band RBCNC 209 was sold in the beginning to a older lady, she loved him for many years, he was very tame to her, talked and learned to sing and was a great companion for her until she was unable to keep him due her health problems and we purchased him back from the pet owner. We was going to use him for future breeder stock. The younger male which is related to the older one is 10 years old, he was handfed and was kept as a pet but was going to be used for breeding as well, Due to not being able to find suitable mates we will be selling these absolutely beautiful perfect specimens birds. each one has full wings not clipped they are full flighted and have been housed on our compound in same type flights that all our breeder amazons are maintained in, suspended outdoor cages 4 x 4 x 8 feet long, They eat the same breeder diet as our breeder birds.We will only be offering them as adult breeder stock, but they could make great pets at some point, but we make no guarantees on pet quality.  SEE VIDEO BELOW


The younger male may come available soon.
adult yellow crown males





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