Article-Honduran Yellow Naped 

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handfed baby yellow nape amazon parrot

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Yellow Naped Amazon Honduran Subspecies Article


The Yellow Naped Amazon when a handfed baby or very young will be mostly green in color and has little or no yellow on the nape. Many may have yellow splashed on the forehead and crown. This yellow may or may not stay throughout the first couple molts. In some cases it may completely disappear or get larger. The yellow on the nape may start to appear within the first year and then will increase in size throughout the life. The Yellow Naped Amazon is in most experts opinion is the absolute most entertaining of all amazons or in some cases all birds. 

This species never fails in becoming the center of attention. Yellow naped amazons are one of the best talking species of all birds. Yes, even better than African Greys. Well lets just say Yellow Napes talk more and will talk in front of strangers where African Greys seem to be slightly shy. Of course there are exceptions to this, as some greys are also good talkers in front of strangers, but this is not the norm. This species (Yellow Naped) will learn at a very young age. We have had many Yellow napes start vocalizing actual words at 10-15 weeks old. Some even younger. If you are looking for the perfect talking species, then this one is for you. Keeping in mind that most amazons should not be left unsupervised around very young children as with most all parrots there is a danger of nipping. If you are old enough to remember the Carson Show, many times there was a Yellow Nape brought on the show, that bird would sing, laugh, cry, sing opera, etc. That is what Yellow Napes Do. They do not even need training...Most of the time when you see a green parrot on TV that has a very good talking ability its normally the Yellow Naped Amazon. I personally own a Yellow Nape Amazon named Loretta, This bird is amazing . She speaks spanish, english, sings opera, etc.  She is the perfect example of the talented ability of the Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot.

If you want a bird that will become one of the best talking birds, the most entertaining you have ever seen, This Bird is for you.

subspecies; there are several recognizable geo variations in this genus, we have kept, researched and bred several of these subspecies and geo variations.

Yellow Naped Amazons are found in several Central American Countries, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and also  Mexico

NOMINATE: auropalliata: This form is the most seen Yellow Naped Amazon, with yellow on forehead and crown at early age.

PARVIPES: this variation is slightly smaller, has red at the bend of the wing, mandibles are different color from the nominate form, mostly lighter and more horn color than the nominate form, same talking ability. this subspecies is becoming very uncommon and rare in captivity and in sharp decline in their own native habitats as well, In some areas they are totally non existent. Many unprofessional breeders and some that just do not know what they are actually looking at, will just throw a male and female together as pair, they do not know or basically do not care to know that the birds may be different subspecies and or geo variations.

Unclassified: HONDURAN Geo Variation: one yellow naped amazon species variation we have seen comes from the western southern area of Honduras in and around the Nicaraguan border region, this geo variation of yellow naped amazon is larger, has very little or no yellow on the nape or front forehead, and some never get it, we have had a super large pair that we know are 15 years old and they have only a few flecks of yellow on the nape so far and no yellow on the forehead at all and in which the front forehead may never get yellow at all, We have some young pairs that were bred from birds that had no nape at 25 years old and yet, some of the youngsters may have more yellow than the parents, and some just have the most georgeous yellow nape. But again, lacking the forehead splash. the head is quite large and is broad. The fore head is one of the points of distingushing different species and subspecies as the south western Honduran types do not have the fore head or the crown when young, this unlike the parvipes and nominate species all have the frontal splash of yellow right up front and the honduran simply lack this coloring..Another note is the darker and very pround scalloping and edging of the bright almost flourescent green of the feathers around the nape area. We also noticed the dark black areas around the nostrils, where other types seem to be lighter and some darker, but the this type always having the darker nares and hairs.

When we sent some video of a couple pair of some birds that seem to be quite different from the nominate forms, the video and info was sent to our friend the late Howard Voren, the world authority on the species, he was excited, he sent us several emails and called and talked several timees telling me his stories of his trek through that remote part of honduras and seeing the same type of birds there being offered for sale to him. He stated that he saw many of these in that region of Honduras while there collecting birds back in the late 70's and early 80's, He said there was a very distinct difference in these compared to other variations he encountered there. He spoke about yellow naped at great length as his favorite species also was the yellow naped amazon.He told me about how the species was already in decline at even that time. As we all know the yellow naped amazon generally noting the talking and mimic abilities are far above all other species but he said that he experienced the talking ability of the yellow naped from the southern western areas close to the Nicaraguan border to be greater than average. He also stated that not many was brought out due to the region being inaccessible, and these were rare in the USA and that by breeders not really understanding the differences would just throw any yellow naped pairs together for breeding without knowing there was differences in geo variations and they did not care. He was impressed by the birds and thanked me for keeping them separated, as he had done for over 35 years,  We have 2nd generation and 3rd generation of these and we strive to keep the lines pure. they are something to see, when showing off at breeding time. The babies are overly large and seem to be more talented in mimic at a very early age.


Note: We have kept, selective bred and researched the yellow nape amazon for half of our lifetime. We have studied everything about this species, we have researched the geo differences in colors and sizes, the nesting patterns, the results of selective breeding,incubation,brooding,nutrtional needs, and much more, we are many times called upon when other breeders and owners need answers on this species. We have shared and collaborated info with the late great Howard Voren of Vorens Aviary, the worlds authority on amazona species, the first world breeder of the rare blue mutation yellow naped amazon, We have written articles and shared research info with other breeders across the world also sharing info with the wildlife ministry of HONDURAS the main origin of most original ancestors of yellow napes in the USA today,

We also have shared info with a small consortium of yellow naped amazon breeders across Honduras and Nicaragua that are breeding this species and others, they are working hard to help the declining wild populations and also maybe be able to be successful enough to actually do a release of some of the domestically bred birds they are working with. We have gathered one of the largest research asset databases on the subjects of incubation, hatches, feeding habits, flock interactions, pair bonding and much more. to date we have gathered more than 50,000 pages of research data pertaining to species, sub species, husbandry, pairing,lighting, nesting activities, diets, nest box design , clutch sizes and fertility, and much much more, we know yellow naped amazons.

 We have one of the USA largest and most successful selective collection of Yellow Naped Amazons, For over 35 years our very selective breeding of this most amazing species has given Royal Bird Company the 2nd and 3rd generation breeders produced from our own stock over these long years. We paired birds that were same species and subspecies, like in coloration, temperament and talking ability, only the best was paired with the best therefore the offspring is absolutely the finest specimens available, our super stock of  baby yellow naped amazons are some of the most talented birds in talking ability, best in family companions and the absolute perfect feathering and colorations. Its all in the genes, breed the best and get the best. we do not breed feather pickers or problem birds therefore our stock and babies produced from these birds are the cream of the flock. If you want the highest quality bloodline of this species then you have come to the right place.      You get what you pay for.

NOTE: we never recommend that a person own or purchase birds just for talking ability. Please purchase them because you love them and can give them a forever home.. Be a Responsible Pet Owner..

Below is a video of one of our SUPER PAIRS of young 3rd generation pairs of selective bred premium Honduran Yellow Naped Amazons, Super large, Super talkers, absolutely amazing birds.

We are the USA largest breeder of Yellow Naped Amazons, offering only high quality selective bred babies.


thanks, Mike Richard, RBC Director. Royal Bird Company

We own and operate one of the largest, selective and most successful breeding farms on the east coast USA. today.                  

We are professional responsible breeders and we continue to educate people how to properly maintain their birds.


 For diet info visit our PARROT DIETS section

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